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Aitareya Upanishad

Aitareya Upanishad-

The Aitareya Upanishad is one of the oldest Upanishads. It belongs to the Aitareya Aranyaka of the Rigveda. The Upanishad was compiled from the 33 verses of the last three chapters (4,5 and 6) of the second Aranyaka.

Aitareya Upanishad, like other Upanishads of Hinduism, asserts the  existence of  Consciousness  as Atman,the Self or Brahman. It contains one of the most famous expressions of the Vedanta, "Prajnanam Brahma" (Knowledge is Brahman/god/divine/holy), which is one of the Mahavakyas.

Aitareya Upanishad belongs to the Shakal branch of the Rig Veda. It has three Adhyayas (Chapters). In the first Adhyaya, there are three Khandas (sections) having 4, 5 and 14 Mantras respectively.

 In the second Adhyaya, there is only one Khanda having 6 Mantras, while in the third Adhyaya also, there is only one Khanda having 4 Mantras. The total number of Mantras is 33.

Another special thing about Aitareya Upanishad is that it contains one of the four Maha Vakyas from the Vedas. The MahaVakya Prajnanam Brahma (प्रज्ञानं ब्रह्म) belongs to this rather short Upanishad. Prajna means awareness, consciousness. We do not need any proof to know the answer to the question “Do I exist?” We know it from within. Even in total darkness and with closed eyes, we know that “I am, I exist.” As we have this consciousness of I, we also have consciousness of Brahman. This consciousness, this knowledge is Brahman itself.

YSA 12.21.2023 Aitareya Upanishad with Hersh khetarpal

YSA 12.21.2023 Aitareya Upanishad with Hersh khetarpal

Introduction of the scripture Shantipath, Om van me manasi pratisthita I Mano me vaci pratisthitam I Aviravirma edhi I Vedasya ma anisthah I Srutam me ma prahasiranenadhitena ahoratran sandadhami I Rtam vadisyami I Satyam vadisyami I Tanmavatu I Tadvaktaramavatu I Avatu mam avatu vaktaramavatu vaktaram I Om santih santih santih II Om, Let My Speech be Established in My Mind, Let My Mind be Established in My Speech, Let the Knowledge of the Self-Manifest Atman Grow in Me, Let My Mind and Speech be the Support to Experience the Knowledge of the Vedas, Let what is Heard by Me (from the Vedas) be Not a mere Appearance but what is Gained by Studying Day and Night be Retained. I Speak about the Divine Truth, I Speak about the Absolute Truth, May That Protect Me, May That Protect the Preceptor, May that Protect Me, May that Protect the Preceptor, May that Protect the Preceptor, Om Peace, Peace, Peace. The Aitareya Upanishad forms part of the Aitareya Aranyaka of the Rig-veda. It is divided into five sections (Khandas). If the Peace-Chant be counted as a section, the sections become six, and by such counting, this Upanishad is sometimes called ‘Atmashatka’, i.e., six-sectioned dissertation on the Atman. It is divided into three chapters. The first contains three sections, the second and the last, one section each. The Upanishad derives its name from its author Mahidasa Aitareya, the son of Itara. It describes, in symbolical language, the creation of the universe. It deals with the Atman as the only Reality. It treats of evolution through hunger and thirst, of food, of the entrance of the Self into the body. It deals with the conception and the three births of man. It teaches that one is freed from birth and death and attains immortality through knowledge of Brahman. It contains the saying of Rishi Vamadeva who attained immortality through knowledge of the Self. It teaches that the Atman, and not Prana, is the last and only cause of everything. It teaches that the whole universe is manifestation of Brahman, that the individual soul is identical with the Supreme Soul, and that the goal of life lies in the realization of the unity of the individual self with the Supreme Self. The sole teaching of the Upanishad is to inculcate the knowledge that the Atman and Para-Brahman are identical. Adhibhautik literally means pertaining to the bhuta or living beings. Adhidaivik literally means pertaining to the daiva or fate, unseen forces and gods. Ādhyātmik literally means pertaining to the ātma or the body (and the mind). To join these live classes followed by Q & A with Hersh Khetarpal send a request at the email below for the zoom link, Attention to Manny Sharma.
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